About me

What is FAKE

FAKE is a scream for authenticity disguised as provocation.

The line through FAKE highlights the true essence of the brand, Authenticity.

The name is striking and bold, yet also a paradox that challenges expectations.

It’s a form of reverse communication, a symbol that, within the ordinary, we dare to be exceptional.

“Not for everyone” is our philosophy. It’s meant for true design enthusiasts, the irreverent, and all who live for design and art. The black heart symbolizes the love and soul we dedicate to the art of crafting each piece.

We guarantee that in every piece there’s a story, a soul, a manifestation of excellence and craftsmanship, combining traditional techniques with technological innovation to ensure greater sustainability and durability.

FAKE’s mission is to innovate, provoke, and inspire.

“Not for everyone”?

Luís Leão, from Paços de Ferreira, is the CEO and Creative Director of FAKE. He grew up amidst the woods and fabrics of his parents’ upholstery factory, but it was in 2018 that he officially delved into the world of interior design.

In 2021, amidst the pandemic, he decided to step out of his comfort zone and leverage the incredible local production to introduce his brand capable of merging art with design.

Since then, he has taken the brand to major international stages such as Maison et Objet Paris, Decorex London, Hotel Show Dubai, BYH Qatar, and Index Saudi Arabia, among others; garnered attention in both national and international press; and was recognized with the ‘Entrepreneurial Generation’ award from Mobis in 2023 and the Speed Up Award by the Portuguese Business Association (AEP), for his entrepreneurial, creative, and innovative spirit.

Luís Leão is also an artist and painter with works exhibited in Madrid, Dubai, and London, and this love for art and design ultimately manifested in the creation of the FAKE collection.

“Live passionately, and remember, you’re not just anyone.”


The legacy of craftsmanship is part of FAKE’s identity.

In Paços de Ferreira we have what is considered by many to be the best furniture production in the world. This geographical privilege allows us a unique synergy between tradition and modernity.

The experience of artisans is the foundation on which we build our vision for the future. These artisans don’t just shape materials; they infuse soul into each piece, creating not just furniture but legacies that are passed down from generation to generation.

Combining this wealth of tradition with the most advanced technology and the vibrant energy of the young talents that today populate the furniture sector is what defines us.

FAKE is proud to be a meeting point between the past and the future, where respect for craftsmanship combines with the infinite possibilities brought by technological innovation.

Authenticity is a fundamental pillar for FAKE, a brand that paradoxically finds its greatest value in genuineness.

Each piece in our collection features revolutionary Blockchain technology. Through a sensor hidden behind the identification symbol, each piece can be associated with a unique name, code, or key, permanently recorded on a blockchain network and made visible by touching the sensor with any smartphone.

This not only reinforces the value of authenticity but also creates an indelible link between the creation and its owner, allowing the owner to later transfer it to their child and turn the FAKE piece into an authentic legacy.

This technology reflects our commitment not just to quality and unique design, but also to authenticity, transparency, and innovation.

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